If the war between the sisters and the separated landeshauptmannstellvertreters of Georg Dornauer (SPÖ) continues, the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) will target the Bau and buy up the land as Mieter with Kauf option – this variant is nun vom Tisch. Gleichwohl becomes of Land Tirol a “finite confession of MCI as an unternehmerische higher education”, concrete Mattle, the Zeichens and the Finanzreferent, in one of the Stellungnahme. The project was conceived in a fair manner and not pursued further. The high quality of the costs is a “cost-saving renovation and compaction of the best MCI main stations and the other stations”, teilte der Landeshauptmann mit. Dornauer was in the kommenden Woche in the Regierung vom new designierten geschäftsführenden Tiroler SPÖ-Landesparteivorsitzenden Philip Wohlgemuth was born, about his high construction activities.

Wohlgemuth would be wonderful if the “Sanierung der besthenden Hauptstandorte des Management Center Innsbruck, especially the Zentralen Standort MCI 1, would be as fast as possible.” After Cornelia Hagele (ÖVP) carried out the external analysis of the Tyrolean college standards, “two high Tyrolean colleges inhaltlich and infrastructure purchase became possible.” For the MCI, there are many problems with the implemented project of 3,300 study results, which pay a lot of attention to Mattle.

“The MCI is a Leuchtturm in the Hochschullandschaft in Österreich”, said Mattle proud of the very printed Stopp-Taste for the Neubau. Gleichzeitig verwies der Landeshauptmann has come up with the right ideas and the “anxious financial situation of the community and the Landes.”

Wohlgemuth, with the arrival of the common thread in the direction, was grüßte indes die Entscheidung. Although the costs have risen to around 300 million euros, the country Tirol has now become “unumgänglich”. It is possible to work with the Entschluss zu Sanierung and Verdichting “auch good life”.

The opposition to NEOS would be a “for all reprehensible consequences” of the cause. Jahrelang sees “unprofessional art and a million euros and a Steuergeld in the planning of the MCI-Neubaus verb”, Susanna Riedlsperger criticizes maps and power over a “Steuergeldtragödie”. The background to these “political total benefits” is no longer of a financial nature. Jetzt gelte is “lückenlos opzuklären, wer dieses Polit-Desaster Verantwortung zur eigen hat.”

At MCI-Neubau, the direct leadership of the Hoftuin would last so long that national politics would last. Since 2008 this has been a plan for a new bau. In 2018, the mother of Landesrat Johannes Tratter (ÖVP) stopped his project at a cost of 80 to 135 million euros. An architect had started the plans, while the project was newly developed, other legal institutions followed suit.

I received an opinion about a jury that put together a design project for the architectural firm Henning Larsen. Anschließend hieß es, dass im Winter 2022/2023 der Baustart erolgen sole. Später said Dornauer, that is what the winter of 2023 became. During the past years of the project – views of the Innsbruck Bürgermeister- und Gemeinderatswahl in April – it would be nice to have a “night break” ordinance, alternative standorte will be tried. The Grundstückseigentümerin Stadt Innsbruck can be located in Neubau.

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